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2023-02-27 19:45  



[1] Qiwei Yang, Yuping Zhang, Jianfeng Wang &Yan Wu(通讯作者),2020. Processing facial expressions that conflict with their meanings to an observer: an event related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology(IF: 2.067), 17. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01273.二区.

[2]Yan Wu, Ruolei Gu, Qiwei Yang, et al. 2019. How doamusement, anger and fear influence heart rate and heart rate variability? Frontiers in Neuroscience(IF:4.677), 13:1131. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01131.二区.

[3] Jianfeng Wang,Yan Wu(共同第一作者),Lushi Jing, 2018 Implicit need for affiliation and processing of emotional images: event-related potential correlates.Social behavior and personality(IF:0.676), 46(2), 273–280.

[4]Yan Wu,Huandong Li, Yuan Zhou, et al. 2016. Sex-specific neural circuits of emotion regulation in the centromedial amygdala[J]. Scientific Reports(IF: 4.379), 6, 23112.doi: 10.1038/srep23112.一区.

[5]Yan Wu, Jiaojian Wang, Yun Zhang, et al. 2016. The Neuroanatomical Basis for Posterior Superior Parietal Lobule Control Lateralization of Visuospatial Attention[J]. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy(IF:3.856), 10, 32.doi: 10. 3389/fnana.2016.00032.二区.

[6]Yan Wu, Yaqin Zhang, Yong Liu, et al. 2016. Distinct changes in functional connectivity in posteromedial cortex subregions during the progress ofAlzheimer’s disease[J]. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy(IF:3.856), 10, 41.doi: 10.3389/fnana.2016.00041.二区.

[7] Yuanchao Zhang,Yan Wu(共同第一作者), Maohu Zhu, et al. Reduced Cortical Thickness in Mental Retardation. PLoS ONE((IF:3.24), 2011, 6(12), e29673.doi: org/10.1371/journal.pone.0029673.二区.

[8]吴燕余荣军周晓林罗跃嘉, 2010.自我主观标准决定执行任务和观察任务中的结果评价.心理学报,42(2),279-287.


[10]吴燕王建峰温馨景璐石杨奇伟,2017.情绪智力和性别对情绪调节过程的影响.中华行为医学与脑科学杂志,26: 24-29.


孙瑞琛 吴燕著,2018年,《精神分析发展的逻辑线索》,东北师范大学出版社。

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